Blog Articles 86–90
Published on Friday, May 23, 2014 and tagged with
Published on Friday, May 23, 2014 and tagged with career.
I’m pleased to announce that my job search has reached a successful conclusion. I have accepted a faculty position in the computer science department at Texas State University in San Marcos, beginning this fall.
I don’t have time to say a lot more right now — I have a thesis to finish and defend, after all — but I do plan to continue working on LensKit there.
Published on Sunday, April 13, 2014 and tagged with
Published on Sunday, April 13, 2014 and tagged with books and science fiction.
I’ve been working through some of my backlog of started-but-not-yet-finished books and finally finished Asimov’s Robot Dreams collection.
I’ve read a fair amount of Asimov before — robot stories, novels, the Foundation trilogy (which I greatly enjoyed), the Foundation sequels (Foundation and Earth accomplished the rare feat of retroactively damaging the trilogy; I prefer to pretend it does not exist) — but this collection would stand as my recommendation for someone seeking a starting point for Asimov. At least if they don’t want to dive into the world of Foundation. It has a smattering of robot stories, Multivac stories, and other things, many of them excellent.
Some highlights:
- ‘The Martian Way’ is a fascinating medium-length piece (nearly a novella) on the political turmoil leading to the independence of the Martian space colony.
- ‘Eyes Do More than See’ and ‘Does a Bee Care’ are slight, haunting pieces with grand themes. Brilliant examples of what can be done in 6 pages of well-chosen sentences.
- ‘The Feeling of Power’ is strange and fun — what happens in a future where we have computers but forgot how they work, and basic mathematics are rediscovered?
- ‘Jokester’ — where do jokes come from? What happens when we find out?
- ‘Franchise’ is premised on the perfection of social psychology, but in a lighter-weight fashion than Foundation. If we can thoroughly understand people, do we need elections?
I had a great time this week at Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. Met lots of interesting people, heard good talks, enjoyed Baltimore.
One of my favorite papers of the conference was AskSheet: Efficient Human Computation for Decision Making with Spreadsheets by Alex Quinn and Ben Bederson. The concept is brilliantly simple: embed crowdsourcing capabilities in a spreadsheet, allowing decision makers (and others) to use the tools they already know to solicit information via Mechanical Turk and process the responses. To make it all work, they did some very interesting work on batching queries, estimating the likelihood of actually needing a piece of data and using this to order the crowd data requests, and other things to improve the efficiency of an application’s use of the crowd.
It’s not hard to envision an extension of this work into functional programming more generally. Someone could create a Crowd
monad with an API something like this:
--| Create a crowdsourced query.
ask :: String --^ Descriptive text for this query.
-> Schema a --^ Schema for user responses.
-> Crowd a
--| Run a crowdsourced query, returning the results (after processing). Runs in
-- IO because it needs networking, etc.
crowdsource :: CrowdProvider -> Crowd a -> IO a
Published on Saturday, February 1, 2014.
Academics — at least those actively involved in computer science research — do a fair amount of travel. Making this go smoothly is something of a learned and practiced skill. Here are some things that have helped me.
Published on Thursday, January 2, 2014 and tagged with
Published on Thursday, January 2, 2014 and tagged with education and war.
This crossed my Twitter stream today, thanks to Mark Guzdial:
The original article has posted an important correction — the funds spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (not just Iraq) would fund public higher education for 52 years (not 58). The numbers are weakened a bit, but don’t really undermine the point.