Presented two papers at the inaugural Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency; one with the PIReTs, and another with Hoda Mehrpouyan and Rezvan Joshaghani.
Published a CHI workshop paper on fairness in privacy tradeoffs with Bart Knijnenburg, Hoda Mehrpouyan, and Rezvan Joshaghani.
Submitted a paper to SIGIR (rejected).
Submitted a proposal to NSF CyberLearning (declined).
Won an NSF CAREER award.
Saw Hamilton (the traveling company in Portland).
Book chapter with Daniel Kluver and Joe Konstan went to press.
Bought a road bike and began recreational distance riding. I got up to being able to do 30mi rides before winding down for the weather.
Co-organized the FairUMAP workshop on fairness in user modeling and personalization with Bamshad Mobasher, Robin Burke, and Bettina Berendt.
Oversaw build-out of the LITERATE prototype and carried out user study with fantastic collaborators Sole Pera and Katherine Wright.
Ran a very successful RecSys 2018 with Sole Pera and our amazing organizing committee.
Published and presented our work on author gender in RecSys 2018.
Taught CS 410/510 (Databases) in both fall and spring.
Taught CS-HU 310, our one-credit database introduction, in the summer.
Substantially improved my response time in grading student work.
Published two workshop papers and contributed to a NRMERA conference talk about the LITERATE project.
Supervised my M.S. student Mucun Tian to his first first-author paper, a work-in-progress piece for the REVEAL workshop on offline evaluation.
Co-organized the second FATERC Workshop on Responsible Recommendation, with more than 50 registered and a full room all day.
With Fernando Diaz and Asia Biega, proposed and had accepted a fairness track for TREC 2019.
With Michael Veale, organized publicity & outreach for ACM FAT* 2019 as Publicity & PR Co-chair.
Rebuilt LensKit in Python (project, paper).
Began supervising my first Ph.D student, Amifa Raj.
Submitted a proposal to the NSF 2026 IDEA Machine with Sole Pera, Hoda Mehrpouyan, Cathie Olschanowsky, and Elena Sherman.
Sat on commmittees for two successful Ph.D proposals (Ion Madrazo Azpiazu and Kimberley Gardner).
Gave invited seminar talks at CMU and Clemson.
Reviewed a number of papers, though not as many as last year.
Redid my academic visual identity with a website refresh and change of standard font.
I did not submit nearly as many grant proposals this year as last, because I received the CAREER early in the year and needed to focus on getting that research going along with RecSys organization.