Beyond Diversity and Transparency
On May 30, 2023, I gave a talk “Beyond Diversity and Transparency: Normative Recommendation Goals in Human Context” at the ICA 2023 post-conference “Beyond Nudging, Towards Diversity: Understanding Transparent Algorithmic Recommendation Practices for Media and Communications”.
Work Cited
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2020. Evaluating Stochastic Rankings with Expected Exposure. In Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM ’20). ACM, pp. 275–284. DOI 10.1145/3340531.3411962. arXiv:2004.13157 [cs.IR]. NSF PAR 10199451. Acceptance rate: 20%. Nominated for Best Long Paper. Cited 190 times. Cited 170 times.
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2022. Fairness in Information Access Systems. Foundations and Trends® in Information Retrieval 16(1–2) (July 11th, 2022), 1–177. DOI 10.1561/1500000079. arXiv:2105.05779 [cs.IR]. NSF PAR 10347630. Impact factor: 8. Cited 190 times. Cited 85 times.
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- The Newsroom S1E1.
- Seaver, “Captivating Algorithms: Recommender Systems as Traps.” Journal of Material Culture 24(4). doi:10.1177/1359183518820366.
- Selbst, Andrew D., Danah Boyd, Sorelle A. Friedler, Suresh Venkatasubramanian, and Janet Vertesi. 2019. “Fairness and Abstraction in Sociotechnical Systems.” In Proceedings of the Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, 59–68. FAT* ’19. doi:10.1145/3287560.3287598.
- Green and Viljoen, “Algorithmic Realism: Expanding the Boundaries of Algorithmic Thought.” In Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT 2020). doi:10.1145/3351095.3372840.