Academics talk a lot. Sometimes we have slides, or even videos. Here are some of mine.
I am available to give my current research talk at academic seminars and similar events.2019
- User, Agent, Subject, Spy Nov. 26 at the University of Texas School of Information.
- Online Recommendation: What? Where? Why? How? Oct. 4 at the Idaho Library Association 2019 Conference.
- Fairness and Discrimination in Recommendation and Retrieval, tutorial given Sep. 19 at RecSys 2019.
- Fairness and Discrimination in Recommendation and Retrieval, Aug. 22 IVADO Summer School on Recommender Systems.
- User, Agent, Subject, Spy Aug. 20 at MSR Montreal
- User, Agent, Subject, Spy Jul. 26 at Criteo AI Labs
- Fairness and Discrimination in Retrieval and Recommendation, tutorial at SIGIR 2019.
- Recommendations, Decisions, Feedback Loops, and Maybe Saving the Planet, at the CCC Visioning Workshop on Economics and Fairness.