I am for peace

Too long have I had my dwelling
  among those who hate peace.
I am for peace,
  but when I speak, they are for war!

Psalm 120:6-7, ESV

I am for peace.

Our current president terrorizes Pakistani residents with imminent drone attacks and uses those same drones to murder U.S. citizens.

His chief contender takes the administration to task for “seeking to reap a ‘peace dividend’” when we are supposedly “not at peace”.

In the the name of the war on drugs, we have built a heavily militarized police force that shows up over-armed to deal with nonviolent protests.

Several leaders and elected officials, and numerous more ordinary citizens, are waging war against immigrants. Those who heed the call of the New Colossus are painted as murderous, job-stealing villains to advance an agenda of oppression, nativism, and the increased official and civilian militarization of our border.

I am for peace.