The LKPY Package for Recommender Systems Experiments
2018. The LKPY Package for Recommender Systems Experiments: Next-Generation Tools and Lessons Learned from the LensKit Project. Computer Science Faculty Publications and Presentations 147. Boise State University. Presented at the REVEAL 2018 Workshop on Offline Evaluation for Recommender Systems, a workshop at RecSys 2018. DOI 10.18122/cs_facpubs/147/boisestate. arXiv:1809.03125v1 [cs.IR]. Cited 10 times. Cited 19 times.
.This the first workshop paper describes the next generation of the LensKit software. For a current description, see the CIKM version. {#abstract} Since 2010, we have built and maintained LensKit, an open-source toolkit for building, researching, and learning about recommender systems. We have successfully used the software in a wide range of recommender systems experiments, to support education in traditional classroom and online settings, and as the algorithmic backend for user-facing recommendation services in movies and books. This experience, along with community feedback, has surfaced a number of challenges with LensKit’s design and environmental choices. In response to these challenges, we are developing a new set of tools that leverage the PyData stack to enable the kinds of research experiments and educational experiences that we have been able to deliver with LensKit, along with new experimental structures that the existing code makes difficult. The result is a set of research tools that should significantly increase research velocity and provide much smoother integration with other software such as Keras while maintaining the same level of reproducibility as a LensKit experiment. In this paper, we reflect on the LensKit project, particularly on our experience using it for offline evaluation experiments, and describe the next-generation LKPY tools for enabling new offline evaluations and experiments with flexible, open-ended designs and well-tested evaluation primitives.Abstract
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